We'd like to request that there's a "SkipOrders", "SkipCampaign", "SkipAssortments" and other more granular settings.
Currently we have "SkipAllExtendedFields" and that's very broad. According to the documentation in https://doc.dynamicweb.com/documentation-9/repositories/indexing/product-indexes it's associated with common needs such as "IsVariant" and "AssortmentsIds" and less important ones such as "Orders" (the documenation is outdated, but it's doing that in code).
The need comes from B2B projects with large amounts of orders (+300K) where we don't need campaign or order data, but we need IsVariant. Currently the difference is <1min (SkipAllExtendedFields=False) to >6min (SkipAllExtendedFields=False) due to that high volume, and it will only grow.
I guess there's sometihng to say for a more granular control, specially for large catalogs where related data can be huge, but not everything is required for the index.
Best Regards,
Nuno Aguiar