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Forum » Feature requests » error log in BO

error log in BO


Would be great if we could have an error log area where we could get errors from all modules and activities, for example:
 - error when creating newsletter
 - import/export users errors
 - orders errors
 - ... basically what would be nice is a better and more detailed logging

In addition to that, if somehow we could have a report of updates to some items like paragraphs, pages, language/area, news, ecom products, would be awesome to account responsibities in clients with several backend users



Maybe this could be done by adding NLog to Dynamicweb?
With NLog we could configure what should be logged and where (Files, Event Log, Database, E-mail etc.)
There should be a default table for storing log entries and a list view (with search,sort,grouping,filtering) like Windows Event Viewer.