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Forum » Feature requests » Enterprise level logging of backend events

Enterprise level logging of backend events

Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth


It would be nice to have logging of everything done in the backend. We often get asked that of our enterprise customers and enterprise prospect customers. They expect that we can see who made any given change.

Today I had a real-world situation where someone deleted a critical Ecom group, and I would have liked to confirm exactly who did it. I can't tell except to see who logged in around that time.

Some ideas of settings to log:

  • Everything in Settings
  • All changes to Ecom settings (add/edit/delete Products, Groups)
  • Changes to Smart Searches
  • Content changes could be pretty verbose but it's worth it too
  • Basically, everything in the backend
  • Even SQL Firehose commands would be good to log

I realize that doesn't address people making direct changes in the database. That's ok. We can't avoid people making changes behind the scenes if they have full access to the server. 

Regarding changes for Integration, that could be a future feature too, but a possible option is to set the data integration jobs have an optional setting to log all changes. I realize that the gotcha is that all data integration jobs will need to be changed to find out what changed, rather than a generic update or insert statement. We would only want it to log the differences, and not every time an import is run.





Steffen Kruse Hansen Dynamicweb Employee
Steffen Kruse Hansen

Hi Scott,

Maybe you already know, but we actually already have some of this functionality in Dynamicweb.

  • As far as I remember all changes to GlobalSettings are logged into the GeneralLog table, so you can see who changed what
  • We also have the Auditing feature in Ecommerce, where you can keep track on all changes made on the Products and Groups, so you can follow who made which changes or deleted products. This feature has to be enabled inside Settings/Solution Settings, where you have a checkbox called "Enable Auditing"

I know that it doesn't cover the entire feature request, but maybe it's still useful.

Best regards,



Nicolai Pedersen

And may I add that DW10 is prepared for logging absolutely everything. To an extend that we can make the server crash with data :-).

Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth

Thanks Steffen. I had forgotten about that audit settings. The note about the database size being significantly larger may be why we haven't made that a default. I'll do some testing and likely enable that by default. That's what I was looking for. Obviously there is some cost to having good logging.

Nicolai, that's great to hear about the thorough logging in DW10. I guess if you start with so much that it kills the server, you know that you've likely got it all. :-)

In this case, I'm happy with this and I'll make the change Steffen mentioned, and also look forward to DW10.
