Hi there
Many integrated products from ERP has same productname for many products if they use a Single product strukturen and are not able to use variants because of data or in cases where productname is the same across languages
The big problem in these case is that products with same name are assigned an automatic URL with Numbers appended like: product.html + product-2.html
When a third product is added it does not get url product-3.html but all URLs with the same productname seems to be cleared and reassigned
so the third product may get product-1.html as URl and earlier products change to -2 and -3
This random change or reassignment of URLs is a Big problem for any digital campaigns using direct URLs to products, QR codes with links to products, digital pdf's with links to products and SEO in general. URLs are no longer valid - a link to a red sofa links now to a blue sofa etc
Is it possible to implement that assigned URLs are not changed/reassigned and only new once are added unless URL cache is manualy cleared or the appropriate ecommerce product url field is assigned a value?
BR Anett