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Forum » Feature requests » Custom Textboxes, Images, Textareas etc. per template!

Custom Textboxes, Images, Textareas etc. per template!

Daniel Williams
 Hello DynamicWeb

It is a very needed feature that you can customize your paragraph template input - It would be nice to be able to put for example 2 headlines 3 textareas and 2 images on one paragraph.

Also it would be very cool to be able to do the same thing on page level, so you could save variables for each page template.
Nicolai Pedersen actually said you had already looked at it, but what is the status of it?


Kristian Knudsen
Hi Daniel

Well the status is that functionality like this will be part of the next major release of Dynamicweb (8.2). With this version you will be able to create your own items/content blocks which can contain your own set of custom fields.