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Forum » Feature requests » Custom paragraph inputs

Custom paragraph inputs

Rune Skovbo
How about the posibillty to create custom paragraph inputs?

I realize I can create what i want using mulitple paragraphs, paragraph templates and styles, but wouldn't it be nice if we could taylor the paragraph inputs to the customers demands?

In that case I could have 1 template for displaying text with images, and then i could have a custom dropdownmenu in the backend, where the user could chose from imagetop, imageright, image bottom etc. I could even choose to make multible imageinputs if needed - for that ONE template.

I could also build a template like, Headerfield, Manchetfield, Textfield - like on the news module. That, in my eyes, would make it easier for the customer.

I could  remove the "module" option where its not needed and thus making the "module button" grey out.

Does it all make sense? Can you guys see any use for such an option?



Søren Kottal-Nielsen
 I second that. Custom fields on paragraphs would be a fantastic feature!