Hi, I've just created a page that presents the mobile user with a very simple webpage, on this page I've got a "see desktop version" button. This links to domain.com/default.aspx?ID=1&devicedetect=false - This though leads me to the problem, that I can't give this user the option to switch back into "mobile mode" other than quitting his browser on the mobile (closing the tab isn't enough)... not that many people know how to fully quit their browser on a mobile!
I would like a new global tag introduced: Global:Device.Detection (True/False)
This would give me the ability to detect if the mobile user has turned of the device detection and the show him a "back to mobile page" button somewhere on the desktop version.
If this is possible in some way alreasy, please let me know. Would like to keep it to DW-functions, but could probably do some JS to make it happen!