Hi there,
I have a batch job that imports stock from an XML file every 30 minutes. Would this create problems with the reserved stock leading DW to believe there's more than there really is? For example:
- Initial stock is 30
- I add 10 to the cart, leaving 20 as the new available stock for the next user.
- The import job runs and sets stock to 30 again.
Would that be an easy or doesn't the actual stock level change until the order is completed?
Or another scenario:
- Initial stock is 30
- I add 10 to the cart, leaving 20 as the new available stock for the next user.
- The import job runs and sets stock to 5.
Will that be a problem? Do I still have the reserved 10 or does Dynamicweb during checkout look at the actual stock + the ones that are reserved by others?
And finally, where are the reserved items stored? In memory?