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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Various issues with checkout process

Various issues with checkout process

Jeppe Ladefoged

I'm trying to setup an Ecom shop but the checkout process is giving me a ton of grief. The module-templates are standard non-modified templates straight from a fresh DynamicWeb installation. In other words - no changes have been made to the default configuration.

The site URL is:

The following issues all relate to the checkout process:

  1. If "Valider at kunden har accepteret" is checked in the module config, the validation fails even though "Ja, jeg har forstået handels- og leveringsbetingelser" is checked in frontend by the customer - the checkout process is effectively halted.

  3. If "Valider at kunden har accepteret" is unchecked in the module config i'm able to proceed to "Reciept" but the customer information (billing addres/delivery address etc.) is not picked up, meaning i get an order in Ecommerce backend without any customer information rendering the order useless. NOTE: i succeded in getting one complete order through including customer info. But when i tried ordering again the issue returned.

  5. During the checkout process: clicking the radio buttons "Payment methods" or "Delivery methods" refreshes the page which clears the allready input customer information (billing addres/delivery address etc.).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards and thanks in advance

Jeppe / F&S


Kristian Kirkholt
Hi Jeppe
You should be able to use the Standard template getting this working.
If thats not your experience, please make a case in DynamicWeb Engage and let support solve this.

Kind Regards
Kristian Kirkholt


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