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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Using website seettings items data in Order confirmation mails?

Using website seettings items data in Order confirmation mails?

Per Søgaard

In 8.6.0 it is possible to use global page and paragraph content.

Is it possible to use content from a website site item and this way make it easy for the customer to make and adjust the text in the different shop mails (and make language versioning)?

If not this could be a nice feature.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Per

That is not possible - the website settings i only available in the context of a pageview, and that is not available when sending mails.

We have another solution to the issue of being able to edit order confirmation mails lined up for 8.7

BR Nicolai

Per Søgaard

Thanks. Looking forward to that. It is really a pain when the customer changes the text for the tenth time...


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