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Url Indexes - wrong product url

Mateusz Struzik


I encountered an issue with an incorrect URL for one of the products on a client's page. The dynamic web is simply adding -1 to the group name in the URL.

I noticed, after using ?showurlindex=true, that the URL for this specific product is not appearing. However, for other products from the same group, when they are on this index list, the URL creation looks fine.

Do you have any idea what is going on? This product was updated via integration by the client recently. I checked for duplicates in the database, but everything seems fine.

I was thinking that maybe rebuilding this index would help, but I am not sure, and I don't know if it's possible to do it manually.




Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mateusz

This happens only if there are two nodes on the same level in the nativation tree - either from ecommerce or a page.

We would have to look into the solution to figure out what is causing that issue.

BR Nicolai

Mateusz Struzik

Hi Nicolai 

Sorry for the delayed response; I was away for a few days.

Thank you for your reply. It seems that the original issue no longer exists, and I don't believe it was related to the same nodes, at least not at first glance.

However, we are now encountering a similar problem. We have two content nodes, each receiving navigation feeds from eCommerce groups. One of these nodes has a details page. When we open certain groups from the navigation menu, the URLs include a suffix like "-2."

Do you know how we can remove this suffix? The pages are not physically duplicated, but the URL index seems to treat them as duplicates.

Also, is there a way to rebuild the URL index manually?

Best regards 


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mateusz 

The -2 comes because your structure is not unique in naming. So we need to locate the cause of that.

I need to know 2 thinggs - which DW version are you using - 9 or 10, and are you using the "new" page url providers: or the old "URL providers":

This can come from groups in the database that is not visible in the backend because of 'bad data'. In Monitoring inside your backend you can access ecommerce data health - you might want to check that you do not have data there :

Mateusz Struzik

Hi Nicolai 

1. it is v 9.16.6

2. We are using new provider:

The old one has disabled ecommerce section as is mention in the documentation: 


3. The problem appears when we add new provider to the next node in content. The first one using query for getting prodducts without one group the second one also is using query but should get only one group from ecommerce.  

Is there a chance that first provider is taking to much products from query and also build url for products from group that should not, and when the provider for second node start it already see same urls in index and is treating them as duplicate ? 


Best regards 



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

You mention you have several pages with the provider on them - if you are ignoring URL for that page in the group tree by using the "Do not include URL in subpage URLs" setting on the second page, you could encounter this problem as all the groups are in the same level from a URL perspective.

You can reset urls using ?rebuildurlindex=true

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Mateusz Struzik

Hi Nicolai 

Great, many thanks  for this answer. Now when i am thinking about this it has a lot of sense. 

Now it seems we solve the problem moving some content. 

Many thanks and best regards 



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