Posted on 30/10/2023 09:33:16
The perfect solution for this editor would be, if it was possible in the Ecom/Orders interface - that there was some way to select a number of orders they want to export, and export them to XLSX - this due to the fact, that Bring requires orderinfo in a spreadsheet format.
If that is not posible, we have to configure an export that exports orders from eg. the last 4 weeks, and then they will have to delete the orders they don´t want included manually. It is not ideal for us the make them go into settings and export these, as settings is quite an overwhelming interface, where we also have critical configurations setup in the integrationframework, that we don´t want to give anybody access to, as any change in these confiugration could cause critical outcome, that would require us to get others involved to correct the error, and they of course will have to bill their hours. So in order to protect the solution and to avoid bad experience, we had hoped this coult be done within the "familiar" and limited interface within ecom/orders