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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Targeting specific quotes

Targeting specific quotes

Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth

We would like to add items to a quote, but we want to choose from multiple quotes and add items to just one of them.

Imagine that in the top-right corner we have a quote picker. It will allow a customer to pick the quote they are building. Once they select it, that will be their selected quote. Then, when they are shopping the product catalog, there is a "Add to currently selected quote" button. It's not different cart contexts though. There are multiple quotes, one cart context.

Is there a way with cartcmd to pick a particular quote? For example: cartcmd&cartcontext=ORDERCONTEXT2&QUOTEID=12345?  (the QUOTEID is made up in that example)

What's the best way to add items to a particular quote?




Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Scott,

Perhaps, the manual's topic would help you. And let's wait for extra comments from other guys here otherwise. 

BR, Oleg QA 

Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth

Thanks Oleg. 

It appears that I can target the cart context, but if there are multiple quotes for a customer under the same cart context, I can't tell how to pick which quote to use. I don't see an answer to that in the docs.

I'm hopeful that there is an undocumented way to do that.




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