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Stock displayed as 0 in backend product catalog

Gunnar Örn Baldursson


I have a client running on DW 9.12.10 reporting that products display 0 stock in the product catalog on the backend and I'm having trouble figuring out why so I'm hoping someone here can advise.

The client is not using product variants and the only stock information is imported from their ERP system on a regular basis. They are using live stock so the imported stock isn't particularly relevant other than for display on the backend but I don't know why it's showing as 0 for some products when the ProductStock field in EcomProducts has the correct value, and sorting by stock amount in the catalog view functions normally.

Here's a partial screenshot from the catalog view in the backend. The product is correctly sorted by the stock value, which is 28818 in this case (please excuse my mouse-addled handwriting) 

if I select the 2nd top most product in that list, I can see the Stock Level matching the value from the Database

Does anyone know if this is maybe an older bug with this version or can someone tell me what data is controlling the value that is displayed in the catalog view stock field?




Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Do the product have units - and do those units have their own inventory levels attached to them?

Gunnar Örn Baldursson


no products have any stock units or units of measure attached to them in the DynamicWeb database, at least, I get the yellow "no data" alert when in the catalog view, and the EcomStockUnit and EcomUnitOfMeasure tables are completely empty. The data Integration job responsible for importing the products only imports product information into EcomProducts, EcomProductsRelated and EcomProductsRelatedGroups

Is there anything else you can think of that I can check or is there any more information I can give you?

Gunnar Örn Baldursson

Edit: My last post was double submitted


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