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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Sales Discount - First 10 products for free

Sales Discount - First 10 products for free

Jesper Sørensen
I'm having trouble figuring this one out.

I want to make a sales discount where the first 10 items of a product is free but if they want more, the price is example 10 DKK.

So if they want 12 of this, there price will be 20 DKK.

Has anyone tried making this kind of sales discount?


Jesper Sørensen
I've found a small hack for this. I can create 10 sales discounts from 1-10 in product amount (the min. amount for the discout to be activated) and the corresponding calculated discount. So for a product ammount of 8 the discount would be 80 DKK and so on.

This is not a very nice and clean approach, but it works.
Jesper Sørensen
And it didn't work. It seems like the discounts get multiplied. So if the costumer wants 12, the discount of 4 is simply applied three times. :-(


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