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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Resend an email order to a client if the client did not receive it

Resend an email order to a client if the client did not receive it

Peter Bille Larsen

Is it possible to resend an email order to a client if the client did not receive it?

Or would it be possible to resend an order to another email?

The problem is also, that if the client has changes to the order-email (design changes) we have to make a new order to test the template.

//Thanks :-)


Kristian Kirkholt
Hi Peter

No the system does not give you the option to resend an order to a Customer. You would have to copy information an create your own email outside Dynamicweb.

Kind Regards
Kristian Kirkholt
Søren Mejlby
Maybe you can create a new "ordre stadie" and call it gensend..

eCommerce indstillinger -> Ordrer -> Ordreforløb

Peter Bille Larsen

Awesome, that worked. I just had to copy the mail-html to the printorder.html. Seems that all the information is there. Enough anyway to do a redesign or test some stuff on the mail template.

Thanks :-)


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