We are having trouble with the way Related Product Groups for a product is associated with Ecom Assortments at the time being.
As a shop owner you would expect that you can place the same product in different product groups at the same time. That is a pretty standard feature across Ecommerce platforms.
Right now, when a new DW solution is delivered from DW support (at least regarding the rented, smaller DW versions), that is not possoble by default.
In order to do so, you need to activate Ecom Assortments, which is a great feature, but it has nothing to do with the svenario for a customer who needs to complete the simple task of placing a product in two different Product Groups.
We would really appreciate it if this simple standard feature is not so strongly associated with Ecom Assortments, because it really dos not make sense, seen from the client's perspective.
Thank you in advance.