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Product count increases

Jannich Ariyanayagam
Jannich Ariyanayagam

Hi Dynamicweb,

We have a solution where the products count is 41k even when there is only 3.7k records in the products table on the database.

I also checked the index files which are getting huge.
Why is this happening? is there a way to clean this up?

I have attached the row count in the ecom products table and the count of the shop in the backoffice.

Dynamicweb version 8.9


rows.png shop.png


Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

Hi jannich,

The value you see there is actually the total number of group/product relations within that shop.

You can find the relations in the EcomGroupProductRelation and EcomShopGroupRelation tables.

Best regards,


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