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Problem with ProductIndexBuilder bulk size

Mark Preisler


In DW 9.7.2 ProductIndexBuilder there is a small problem with the bulk size handling, this query runs for every batch of products indexed, but the TOP 500 and WHERE ProductAutoId > {CurrentAutoId} is declared before the ORDER BY ProductAutoId and there for it is random how many products you end up with, in the index.

For now we can get around the problem by setting BulkSize to int.maxvalue.

SELECT productautoid, 
        FROM   ecomproducts 
        WHERE  productexcludefromindex = 0 
               AND productactive = 1 
               AND productautoid > 0 
               AND productid IN (SELECT gpr.groupproductrelationproductid 
                                 FROM   ecomgroupproductrelation gpr 
                   LEFT JOIN ecomgroups g 
                          ON gpr.groupproductrelationgroupid = 
                   LEFT JOIN ecomshopgrouprelation sgr 
                          ON g.groupid = sgr.shopgroupgroupid 
                                 WHERE  sgr.shopgroupshopid = @p0)) AS Products 
       LEFT JOIN ecomproductcategoryfieldvalue 
              ON productid = fieldvalueproductid 
                 AND productvariantid = fieldvalueproductvariantid 
                 AND productlanguageid = fieldvalueproductlanguageid 
ORDER  BY Products.productautoid 


Steffen Kruse Hansen Dynamicweb Employee
Steffen Kruse Hansen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Mark,

I think this is a known bug (TFS#71369), which has already been fixed in the 9.7.3 hotfix, so if you just upgrade to that version, everything should be working again.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Best regards,

Votes for this answer: 1
Mark Preisler

Thanks that fixed the problem.


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