Hello DW :-)
I have a small question here regarding Order ID.
The situation is that when I am viewing cart before checkout, I see orderID as (for example) CART80, eventually I am sticking to it, but after order goes through, and after it passes through checkout, on the reciept it says Order50 as orderID. In the DB it saves as Order50.
Is that normal, am I missing some tag somewhere here, or is it supposed to be like that?
Would be great to get some help on this one.
Many thanks in advance,
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Order ID and Cart ID question

Dmitrij Jazel
Posted on 18/04/2012 15:02:26

Merethe Nielsen
Posted on 20/04/2012 08:39:12
This post has been marked as an answer
It's normal behavior:
Before checkout it has a cartID and after checkout it's an orderID due to this:
http://developer.dynamicweb-cms.com/documentation/for-developers/ecommerce/checkout-handlers.aspxThe steps before checkout have the responsibility of showing the cart to the customer and to get customer information from the customer, such as the delivery address. The checkout step is a special step that performs all the logic of turning a cart into an order. This includes letting the customer pay for the order through a payment gateway such as DIBS or Quickpay.
Kind regards,
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Dmitrij Jazel
Posted on 20/04/2012 10:40:36
Hello Marethe,
Allright than, well in that case is it possible to do something that could make Order ID generate just a plain number (3231) Without ORDER or CART?
Should I make some custom tag, or there is a solution out of the box? :-)
Kind regards,
Allright than, well in that case is it possible to do something that could make Order ID generate just a plain number (3231) Without ORDER or CART?
Should I make some custom tag, or there is a solution out of the box? :-)
Kind regards,

Merethe Nielsen
Posted on 20/04/2012 10:55:18
I'm not sure if you can change the cart ID through the API (ask in the Developer category about this), but the auto numbering of the order ID can be changed in the Management Center - ecom - Advanced settings - Auto numbering. Check attached file.

Imar Spaanjaars
Posted on 01/05/2012 08:16:24
Yes, you can change the Order ID using the API: http://devierkoeden.com/articles/notificationsubscribers-part-5-changing-the-order-id.aspx

Theint Thandar Soe
Posted on 02/08/2024 07:01:40
I have a similar question regarding Order ID.
Is it possible to generate an Order ID with the format 'CARTID_ORDERID' based on one of the customer's requirements? If yes, what are the impact areas and cases of this Order ID format? Also, I want to know if it is possible to configure this in 'ecom - Advanced settings - Auto numbering' to achieve an Order ID as 'CARTID_ORDERID'.
Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar
Posted on 02/08/2024 10:33:06
Hi Theint,
What are you trying to achieve with it?
You can change the prefix (you can likely use the same prefix for carts and orders), but the ID itself will change as the cart becomes and order (gets to the payment step and/or is completed).
Best Regards,
Nuno Aguiar
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