Is there a way to list usergroups (ID and Name) in the ecom product template
GetGlobalValue("Global:Extranet.Groups") gives me a list of user(group)IDs eg. "23,432,1212"
but there is no easy way to finde the the id for a specific usergroup in admin
I can finde it in SQL and with a Data List, not an easy use solutions
So how can I get the group names in the template ?
I have tried
it dos not fail but I dont get any data out
this fails
Datalist app
I can make the list or make a function,
but getting it in to the product template with RenderParagraphContent will not work
(need to use the data server side) I can use this method client side
Repository, QueryPublisher
have not got it to give me user data yet
but I think that it will end up in the same issue as width the datalist app
Regards Thomas