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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » How can I check which value is default value of a custom field on a product?

How can I check which value is default value of a custom field on a product?

Sten Hougaard


I need to know what has been choosen as the default value on a ecom custom product field of the type "List".

You can define a number of options, and set one as default.

I need a tag like "productstatusDefaultValue" or perhaps a "productstatusIsDefaultValue" which perhaps is better.

If you look in the database the value seem to be "null" for not-set-values, which would then make the value become default value when testing on the values.

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,

Sten Hougaard

A: København/Aarhus . W:
@: netsi1964


Line Lofquist

Hi Sten,

In the loop: <!--@LoopStart(newList.Options)--> <!--@LoopEnd(newList.Options)--> (where newList is the templatetag name for my custom product field of type List Box), you find each list item with a value <!--@newList.Option.IsSelected--> which is true for the default value. I know this only works as long as the user does not change their selection, but is it relevant what the default value was before, when the user has made a choice..

I hope this answers your question.


Line Løfquist




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