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How can I change payment method in Basket v2 through frontend

Rasmus Fjord



We want to give the customer the option to select payment method, but how can i achive this ? 

My guess is that I can submit a <form> with a parameter upon through the basketV2 steps, but what parameter and where can i find some info about it ?


Anyone who can throw a bone on the subject, btw its a v7 latest version.


Marco Johannesen
This post has been marked as an answer

 Inside the checkout form, which looks something like this:


    <form name="ordersubmit" id="ordersubmit" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="<!--@CartV2.NextStepButtonName-->" id="<!--@CartV2.NextStepButtonName-->" value="true"/>

You add the payment loop:

        <input type="radio" name="EcomCartPaymethodID" data-type="payment"   data-cost="<!--@Ecom:Cart.Paymethod.Price.PriceWithoutVAT-->" id="EcomCartPaymethodID_<!--@Ecom:Cart.Paymethod.ID-->" value="<!--@Ecom:Cart.Paymethod.ID-->" checked="checked" />
    <!--@If Not Defined(Ecom:Cart.Paymethod.IsSelected)-->
        <input type="radio" name="EcomCartPaymethodID" data-type="payment"  data-cost="<!--@Ecom:Cart.Paymethod.Price.PriceWithoutVAT-->" id="EcomCartPaymethodID_<!--@Ecom:Cart.Paymethod.ID-->" value="<!--@Ecom:Cart.Paymethod.ID-->" />


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Janus Lock

 What he said :)

Rasmus Fjord

 Awesome thx :) 


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