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Free shipping calculation with reverse VAT enabled

John Broers


We configured a free shipping threshold at 150,- but we see some differences when the reverse charge VAT checkbox has been set on a user.

In the Fee Settings of the shipping method we set 'Default fee' to 7,- and 'No fee for purchases over' to 150,-. We also tried setting the checkbox 'Base free shipping calculation on price with VAT' but it looks like this doesn't do anything.

How can we configure this so in both scenario's it's giving free shipping above 150,-?

We're currently using Dynamicweb version 9.17.4.






Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

We will take a look at this. I have send this to QA for verification.

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


checked on Swift solution based on DW9.17.4. with shipping not based on a provider, have matrix and amounts mentioned above. So, I was not able to catch any issue. Here is video about my check. Note that I don't have valid user VAT number, so "reverse charge for VAT" feature was enabled using VAT group has appropriate option checked for specific product (see manual for details).

BR, Oleg QA 


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