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Flat rate tax provider not taking order discounts into account

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

We ran into a situation where the Flat rate tax provider does not take order discounts into account when calculating taxes. It seems to be working fine when using an order line discount though. Consider the two situations in the attached images. For the order discount, tax is calculated before discount, for the order line discount it's calculated after.

Is this by design and are we limited to order line discounts? Or is there something that can / should be done about this?



Order_Discount.png Order_Line_Discount.png


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Imar,

I see the same behaviour on last DW89, probably it's feature since order discount is calculated for entire order but the tax is rendered for each of product in the cart (try to add several products) as well as in the case of orderline discount. Perhaps, NP will comment the issue better, let's wait for him :)

BR, Oleg QA

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov
This post has been marked as an answer


As per NP's final resolution, let's consider it as bug, new TFS 48972 has been created, will be fixed on further hotfix/release. Thanks.

BR, Oleg QA

Votes for this answer: 1
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Thanks Oleg!

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Imar

The problem regarding #48972 regarding tax calculation has now been resolved in Dynamicweb version 9.4.10

To upgrade please choose this version download:

Let me know if you need any more help regarding this

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt

Votes for this answer: 1


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