Posted on 12/01/2016 12:10:16
When going from step1 to ePay, you actually go to step 2 (CheckOutStep in DW) - that is usually a template with a form that automatically submits to epay window. So you can only see what is going on the browsers developer tools. That hidden form will contain a callback and a receipt URL (not an email).
The template could look something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
paymentwindow = new PaymentWindow({
'merchantnumber': "<!--@ePay.merchantnumber-->",
'windowid': "<!--@ePay.windowid-->",
'language': "<!--@ePay.language-->",
'orderid': "<!--@ePay.orderid-->",
'amount': "<!--@ePay.amount-->",
'currency': "<!--@ePay.currency-->",
'accepturl': "<!--@ePay.accepturl-->",
'cancelurl': "<!--@ePay.cancelurl-->",
'callbackurl': "<!--@ePay.callbackurl-->",
'smsreceipt': "<!--@ePay.smsreceipt-->",
'mailreceipt': "<!--@ePay.mailreceipt-->",
'instantcallback': "1",
'group': "<!>",
'windowstate': "<!--@ePay.windowstate-->",
'cms': "<!--@ePay.cms-->",
'ownreceipt': "<!--@ePay.ownreceipt-->",
'instantcapture': "<!--@ePay.instantcapture-->",
'hash': "<!--@ePay.hash-->",
Try changing the template being used from Post_simple.html to Post.html and see if that makes a change.
Otherwise create a case with the helpdeks.
Thanks, Nicolai