Is there any documentation for the statistics associated with Marketing Emails? One of our clients is trying to reconcile the order numbers associated with the highlights, but it does not line up with the actual order numbers. Any documentation related to this would be greatly appreciated.
Developer forum
E-mail notifications
Email Marketing statistics
Hi Terri
This is the only documentation available:
Could you provide an example of the number that does not line up?
BR Nicolai
Hi Nicolai,
When looking at a specific marketing email, the Total orders shows 36. When exporting the recipents and sorting on Order, there are only 23 that have a value greater than 0. If choosing Cart instead, the number is 63. How is the Total orders calculated?
Hi Terri
I have no clue! But I've asked QA to take a look at get back with an answer.
I also removed the xlsx file from this post. You should be careful about posting users email addresses anywhere, including this forum.
BR Nicolai
Hi Nicolai,
Oops, I must have attached the non edited excel file. I'll be sure to double check that next time.
Hi all,
Yes, the bug is reproduced, it's wrong order quantity in statistic screen. New TFS 21447 has been submitted against the bug, thanks for observing,
BR, Oleg QA
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