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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » DW 9.15.7 Edit quote price only allows whole numbers when using the Danish language version of backend

DW 9.15.7 Edit quote price only allows whole numbers when using the Danish language version of backend

Roald Haahr

Editing quotes works as it should on the English version of the backend. If I then change the language to Danish I am not allowed to enter a new price with decimal numbers.

E. g. a customer has requested a quote on a product by the unit price 10 DKK. The customer is requesting a quote with the unit price 7,50 DKK. As a Danish editor, I go to the quote in the backend and press the pencil to edit the price. If i enter '7,50' some validation of the input field simply ignores the ',', so the entered price is 750 before save. I then enter '7.50' which is allowed in the validation of the input field that now reads '7.50' which looks correct, so I press save. However, the unit price it saves to the order line is 750. I then think outside of the box and enter ',' in the address bar, copy that and paste it into the price input field, which for some reason passes the validation.

In short ',' needs to allowed in the field when editing the unit price in quotes from a Danish backend.

This has been observed on two different solutions - one of them a standard Swift 1.21.

Kind regards,


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

reproduced with order\cart\quote on last DW9.15.9 as well. New task #14618 has been created to fix it.

BR, Oleg QA


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