The last couple of days we have some orders that have been downgraded from order to cart after DIBS payment has been done with the following error:
An error with the message 'Called State ok, but order is not set complete - this should have happened in the callback.' occurred. See the error log for details. (OrderID:ORDER10141 Total:599, orderline total:NOK 599,00; Orderlines:1 - Products:1, Discounts:0, Taxes:0, BOM:0.)
In the DIBS admin interface the payment looks ok, and according to the end-user he was redirected back to the webshop when he was done at the DIBS page. He said that he was redirected back to the cart page.This seems reasonable since the order has been downgraded to a cart in the process (due to the error).
Why is this happening, and what can we do to avoid this?
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