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Data integration logs on scheduled tasks

Martin Grønbekk Moen

It looks like we only get log entries on manually triggered data integration jobs.

It does not look like scheduled integration import jobs are adding entries in the log.
Is this an correct assumption?

We would very much like to see the log for import jobs triggered by a scheduled task as well as manual jobs.


Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Martin,

When running imports using scheduled tasks, the log show up just as when you run them directly in the data integration module.

However, if your scheduled task fails for some reason, like if the remote service isn't available, the data integration activity isn't run, and there will be no log. In those cases, you should go to managment center and find your scheduled tasks - when you rightclick on an integration framework scheduled task, you can see a log that (hopefully) will tell you something about what went wrong before it even got to the data integration activity.



Martin Grønbekk Moen

Hi Jonas,

When I look at the logs they say that last activity was 15/5.
But when I look at the scheduled task it says that last run was 18/5.

I have no log entry saying if the run at 18/5 was successfull or not.


Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Martin,

Does the solution have a publicly available URL where I can take a look?


Martin Grønbekk Moen

Yes, I sent it to you on email :)

Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Martin,

I have taken a look, and I see what you mean.

I have also tested on my own machine, and confirmed that when the scheduled data integration tasks are run correctly, they do generate a log, exactly as they would if you run them manually.

My best guess: if you are hosting this site yourselves somewhere, and not on the HostNordic servers, the problem might be that the scheduled data integration activities are not run correctly because the webserver is unable to resolve its own host-name.

When you use the scheduler to run a task, the webserver needs to be able to access, and if that doesn't resolve, it fails, and I believe that it fails silently.

Could this be an explanation in your case?


Dmitrij Jazel

Hi Jonas,

Well, this is how we have it so far:

Scheduled task (Autocreated by DW in windows task scheduler) >triggers> Scheduled task in the DW >triggers> ImportJob


As far as I remember,

1) if Scheduled task in Windows is not working than that is first thing to do is - make sure Scheduled task in Windows scheduled tasks works.

2) if #1 runs than Make sure that Scheduled task in DW was triggered (according to loggs it was).

If it was triggered, than this means that all other tasks where triggered - that is good.

3) If all tasks where triggered - they should trigger the Job import (cause we already are under DW roof).

In other words, if Scheduled task is running in DW, than don't see a reason why would it ever would not trigger Import job (it lives under the same roof).


Regarding resolving hostname - yes that potentially could be an issue (on the local server) but Local server is resolving propper hostname (just tested that).

While on the "deployment server" I am able to access correct application with the correct hostname (one Martin send you in email).


Are there any other reason why we are not getting the loggs? We are talking about the loggs of Import job, right?

Jonas Krarup Dam


I have found the problem.

You have moved this solution after you configured the scheduled tasks.

if you look at the URL that the scheduled task calls, you will see that it includs a token. This token is the checksum for your solution. When you change anything about your installation such as the server that it is running on, the checksum changes. If you create a new scheduled task now, you will see a different token.

Since this token is a security measure, to ensure that not anyone can activate an import, it fails silently when the token is wrong.

The simplest way to fix the problem is to simply delete the scheduled tasks, and create them again.



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