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Custom ID pattern for fields used in Facets

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a project that I started on Rapido 3.0 with DW 9.5.4.

In the project I was supposed to import some data from the existing shop of the customer.

In the process of importing, I have used custom values for the IDs of VariantGroups, VariantOptions ProductCategory, ProductCategoryFields.

Everything went pretty well so far, I have imported the products and the variants, the Product categories and ProductCategoryFields.

The problem I am facing is with the facets. I am supposed to use VariantGroups and ProductCategoryFields as facets.

I have managed to add a few to the Query and add them to the Factes but for some reason, even thought the Parameter is filled and submitted in the URL, the query does not recognize it and therefore the list is not filtered. This happens for both VariantOptions and ProductCategoryFields.

I have done this operation a lot of times before and it usuallt worked. I am suspecting a limitation of the IDs that can be used for Facets but I can't find anything documented.

My IDs are just letters and numbers, all caps.

For example, the VariantGroupID is NN92 and some of the IDs of the options are: NN9212l,NN9212z,NN9216z . Nothing I would suspect as innapropriate so far.

ProductCategory and ProductCategoryFields have a similar pattern

Any idea or pointers? The field (Variant Group) seems to be Indexed and Stored and so are the other ProductCategories

Thank you,




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

As long as you avoid _ and | (pipe) in IDs, you should be home safe. Also !"#¤%&/()=?`´´ could be a problem as they might get normalized out when indexing.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

I was already aware of those limitations and I have avoided them.

But for some reason, the filters are not applied.

The facets are rendered correctly, the Parameter is in the URl, but the query is not triggered.

If you look here:

You will see the first 2 facets are ProductCategoryField and VariantOption. The third one is Weight (standard facet of Rapido).

First 2 are not working while the third one is working. I already spent my entire week-end on this and I cannot figure out what is wrong.

This solution has started as a Rapido 2.0. Then I upgraded it to 2.1 and 3.0 together with an upgrade to 9.5.2.

SInce the Weight facet is working, I assume there is nothing wrong with the DW version or Rapido version.

The behavior is similar with cases where the Parameter is not defined or not recognized.

I have alos investigated the index with Luke and the values for the ProductCategoryFields and VariantOptions are correctly indexed.

I have run out of ideas.

Could there be an error in my Query file preventing the correct inclusion of the Parameters?

Thank you,

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

I believe I have found the problem.

If you add new Query rules to the Query and new parameters, they will be recognized ONLY if you change refresh the query selection on the module.

You have to select another query, save the paragraph then select the old query back and save again. Now, the new parameters will be recognized.

I know I had this issue before in a 8.x version.

Maybe you guys can figure out a way to avoid this behavior.

Thank you,

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Adrian,

I've checked the issue on solution uses Rapido 3.0 template set and based on DW9.5.3 as your solution mentioned above. I was not able to reproduced it with test query has new created parameter/rule/facet and uses data from product category field - it can be appied in frontend without a manipulations with module, please find the proof. The same results are on last DW9.5.5 admin. So, the issues are specific ones for your solution, probably.   

BR, Oleg QA 

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Oleg,
I agree is not happening everytime. That's why I was so confused biut it not working.

I have only encountered this behavior on 2 solution. One running 8.9 and this one running 9.5. The solutions in questions are hosted in separate environments configured by different people.

All of the other solutions we worked with, seemed to behave correctly.

I am not sure what triggers this behavior. It seesm to be a n aggresive caching. Just to put it in contezt, I have recycled the app pool about 20 times and the parameters list on the product catalogue was not refreshed. I am guessing maybe a database caching?

I am still experiencing it on the solution I mentioned above (yesterday was my latest try to change parameters) but not on other solutions.

If I will encounter it again, I will get back to you.

Thank you,



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