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Currency issue

Mikkel Ulstrup



We have a solution, where we get a PriceInfoCurrencyException when accessing the cart (not everytime). 

The user har DKK as currency, the cart has DKK, the prices in EcomPrices for the products and the usergroup are all DKK.

Still I see this in the log (which i imagine could be the cause):

Any idea why it keeps changing currency?


Kind Regards

Mikkel Ulstrup


Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Mikkel

I think that we need some more information regarding this PriceInfoCurrencyException.

Could you please send a mail to with site URL and steps to reproduce.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt

Mikkel Ulstrup

Hi Kristian,


As stated, it is not a consistent issue. I have no specific way to reproduce this, but I can see that the currency is changed 10 times in a short period of time, so I am looking for a hint to what might cause this to happen.


Kind regards

Mikkel Ulstrup

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mikkel

The latest Ecommerce.dll 1.6.* has a fix related to this kind of exception related to how Discounts are calculated (wether there are any).

Try that. But if you have a stack trace, that would be helpful to see if that is the one we have fixed or this is another issue.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

BR Nicolai


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