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Checkout to quote email notification breaks receipt context

Mario Santos Dynamicweb Employee
Mario Santos


We notice this on Swift but seems a DW issue. Using shopping cart to checkout to quote, if we set notifications to use a page for the email, the receipt context is lost and template return an exception -

BR Mario


Mario Santos Dynamicweb Employee
Mario Santos

bump, anyone?

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Mario,

I confirm thant the bug is reproduced on last DW9.17.1 with SWIFT 1.25.1 as well. New task #18014 has been submitted to research and fix it. Thanks.

BR, Oleg QA

Mario Santos Dynamicweb Employee
Mario Santos

Hi Oleg,

I tested this on 9.17.2 and SWIFT 1.26, the receipt is not triggering the exception but it is still missing the context as we can see by the logo and promo code form -

I noticed this was fixed in SWIFT templates for the exception but the root cause seems to be DW core as the context is lost ie CurrentParagraph.

BR Mario

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Mario,

I've submitted exrta new #18686 task to research and fix, thanks for observing.

BR, Oleg QA

Votes for this answer: 1
Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann

Hi Oleg,

Is there any update on #18686?

EDIT (25 May): Care team confirmed this has been resolved in 9.17.5 & 9.16.12. Thank you!

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Melissa

The bugfix #18686 was released in Dynamicweb version 9.17.5

You can get this version from the download section

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused

Kind Regards
Care Support
Kristian Kirkholt

Votes for this answer: 1


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