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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Change currency of 3 but only one language how?

Change currency of 3 but only one language how?

Per Søgaard
 On this demo:

it is possible to change currency.

There is only one language and one shop and Exchange rates has been set up in the Management center - ecommmerce - currency.

How is this set up?
Will it work all the way including the confirmation e-mail to the customer/ordermail to the shop and payment gateway?
Which modules are needed?


Kristian Kirkholt
Hi Per

Yes this should work all the way through the system. Unless you hardcode your currency in a template.
To change the Currency for a language-layer choose the Website module (or if you have one frontpage) and change the setting for Ecommerce currency.

Kind Regards
Kristian Kirkholt
Per Søgaard
 I was referring to the menu:

Euro Dollars Kroner
I have set this up on my demo and it works with just one language layer.

But which modules are needed?


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