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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » values in Dynamicweb.UserManagement.Context not set correctly when using full impersonation on 9.17.2

values in Dynamicweb.UserManagement.Context not set correctly when using full impersonation on 9.17.2

Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Hi DW,

We've recently upgraded a solution to 9.17.2, and is experiencing problems with values in Dynamicweb.UserManagement.Context.UserID and Dynamicweb.UserManagement.Context:UserGroups not correctly being set when using Full impersonation.

We have a User.query where we check who the current user can impersonate where we use the values mentioned above.
Here's a snippet from the query aswell.

Here's our impersonation setting:
We have tried with both "Use impersonator for permissions" on and off.

Our problem is when we impersonate a user, the values in Dynamicweb.UserManagement.Context are still the values from the first user and not the "new current" user we're impersonating.

Hope you can help us out

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer


Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Any news on this?

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


I've created new task #19029 against the issue. Please, point old admin version upgraded where you had other results. Thanks.

BR, Oleg

Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Hi Oleg,

Thanks for looking into it :)
The solution we upgraded here to a 9.17.2 was from a 9.13.12.
But i also testes on a 9.14.3 with the same results that the 9.13.12 has.

Do you need newer version tests?

Also do you have an ETA when we can expect this to be fixed?
We have prod solutions running on 9.17.2 - so i need to make our customers aware of the issue and when we expect a fix :)

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer

Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Hi Oleg,

Hope all is well :)
Is it possible to get an rough estimate of when we can expect a fix, so we can keep our customers informed.

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer

Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Hi again,

I can see the task you created has been set to "closed", is there an ETA for your next release for 9.17.5? :)

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Mikkel

The bugfix #19029 regarding Values in Dynamicweb.UserManagement.Context 

Now fixed and released in Dynamicweb 9.17.5 version

Kind Regards
Care Support
Kristian Kirkholt

Mikkel Hammer
Mikkel Hammer

Thanks a lot Kristian :)

Best regards,
Mikkel Hammer


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