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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » User defined fields cannot be set to null when creating new customer.

User defined fields cannot be set to null when creating new customer.

Henrik Madsen
Henrik Madsen


I have defined userdefined field called "Epointsdato", it have ben defined for years.

​But now it is suddenly falling when creating a new user throw the intranet/extranet module. Saying it is not allowed to be set to null but please use DBNull. Is this a new bug in the DW UserManagement?

We are running version 9.3.3

See attached images.

Best regards​

DbAllowNull.PNG UserManagementError.PNG


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Henrik,

We ran into the same issue. Take a look at this thread: I think your issue has been fixed, depending on the datatype of your custom fields. For bools and date times it has been fixed it seems (we haven't tested it yet), but I am not sure about others.


Henrik Madsen
Henrik Madsen

Hi Imar

Thanks, yes it looks the same. But in witch release is TFS#40405 fixed?

Our customer in not happy



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