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Upgrading Dynamicweb through Nuget

Søren Ravn Lund


We are starting to set up all of our projects through Nuget due to numerous reasons.

But, it takes a long time, just to upgrade a hotfix version because of the content part in Dynamiweb.Admin.

When installing a new DW, then it tries to remove the Dynamicweb.Admin package and all of its content, and thereby the Admin folder and its approx. 100mb and 5k files. This takes a long time but can be avoided by manually deleting it before upgrading.

Then, when it comes to adding the new Dynamicweb.Admin package, it will copy all of the content from ../Package/Dynamiweb.Admin/content (which includes the Admin folder, 100mb/5k files) to Project/Admin and include all of the files in the .csproj. This process takes 20-30min, and it will freeze if you leave the Visual Studio window. So, every time we want to upgrade a project, we need to be idle for about 30min. 

I have looked for ways to upgrade a Nuget Package without copying content, but haven't found any.

If we had a Dynamicweb.Admin Nuget Package that doesn't force-copy the content part, we could save a lot of hours each month and have a way easier time keeping more projects updated. 


Søren Ravn Lund

Bump :-)

Hans Kloppenborg


It seems to me that noone at DW itself ever uses nuget to update an existing solution that uses DW installed via Nuget, or they would have fixed these endless installation delays and frequent reference errors after updating/deploying.

Trying hard to not fall asleep behind my monitor waiting 30+ minutes for the admin to get copied again (and that is with the folder first deleted, or it would have taken hours).

Feeling your pain,


Evaldas Raisutis
Evaldas Raisutis


Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya


Kim Hansen


Evaldas Raisutis
Evaldas Raisutis


Jannich Ariyanayagam
Jannich Ariyanayagam


Frederik Gadegaard


Nicolai Pedersen

There is no easy solution for this right now. We could add the admin folder as a zip inside the package and unwrap it using an install power shell, but it also a 'deprecated' feature of nuget.

But basically there is no need to have a reference for Dynamicweb.Admin package. You will never code against it. When I do local custom development, I do not have that package as a reference, so no I do not see that lag.

You have an installation of dynamicweb and then you have a project extending dynamicweb. The extending project should only reference the packages needed - and that would not be Dynamicweb.Admin.

If you haver other suggestions or knowledge, feel free to share ideas.

We are totally aware of the developer experience should be much more clean - we have all eyes on that for our next major...

BR Nicolai


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