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Smart Search Excel export issue

Ryan Burnham Dynamicweb Employee
Ryan Burnham

Getting this error when trying to export smart search to Excel in 9.10.12


Error exporting users: 2022-04-05 16:27:28.707: Job failed Could not load file or assembly 'EPPlus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ea159fdaa78159a1' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) The failed input row is: [AccessUserId:"9452"], [AccessUserUserName:"Customer_71424"], [AccessUserPassword:""], [AccessUserName:"ADEGA BAR & GRILL"], [AccessUserDepartment:""], [AccessUserEmail:""], [AccessUserPhone:"9735898830"], [AccessUserFax:""], [AccessUserGroups:"@88@@152@@5599@@5600@"], [AccessUserType:"5"], [AccessUserValidFrom:"05/04/2022 03:05:29"], [AccessUserValidTo:"31/12/2999 00:00:00"], [AccessUserAddress:"130-132 FERRY ST"], [AccessUserAddress2:""], [AccessUserZip:"07105"], [AccessUserCity:"NEWARK"], [AccessUserCountry:""], [AccessUserCountryCode:"US"], [AccessUserJobTitle:""], [AccessUserCompany:""], [AccessUserPhonePriv:""], [AccessUserMobile:""], [AccessUserCustomerNumber:"71424"], [AccessUserCurrencyCharacter:""], [AccessUserLastName:""], [AccessUserMiddleName:""], [AccessUserActive:"False"], [AccessUserImage:""], [AccessUserBusiness:""], [AccessUserEditorConfigurationId:""], [AccessUserAllowBackend:""], [AccessUserExternalId:"71424"], [AccessUserGeoLocationLat:""], [AccessUserGeoLocationLng:""], [AccessUserGeoLocationIsCustom:""], [AccessUserGeoLocationImage:""], [AccessUserNewsletterAllowed:"True"], [AccessUserState:"NJ"], [AccessUserDisableLivePrices:""], [AccessUserTitle:""], [AccessUserFirstName:""], [AccessUserHouseNumber:""], ...



Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Ryan

It seems like a file is missing from the /bin directory. Specifically the file EPPlus.dll is missing. You need to locate that file from the download and deploy to the server.

Did you install Dynamicweb using Nuget? Could be a nuget reference problem

Hope this helps.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1


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