A client recently pointed out several order lines that are identical except for OrderLineId (very wide screenshot attached) in the database for https://www.hewittrad.com/.
Here is one example:
- select * from ecomorderlines where orderlineorderid = '176609' and orderlineproductnumber = 'lwwl'
- select * from ecomorders where orderid = '176609'
You can see the data being imported with this request (XML response attached):
- <GetEcomData Qty="1000" PrimaryKeyFilter="176609" CustomIdentifier="PROD" ReimportTable="false" ><tables><Invoices type="all"/></tables></GetEcomData>
Am I overlooking the reason these aren't being combined?
- OrderLineId"><![CDATA[INV_176609_0000160000-INV
- OrderLineId"><![CDATA[INV_176609_0000260000-INV