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NUget install struggles

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

Installing 9.8.0 through nuget can result into a DotNetCompilerPlatform error.
DotNetCompilerPlatform.2.0.1 needs to be downgraded to DotNetCompilerPlatform.2.0.0 in the application file.


Then creating Files directory on wizard fails on Admin\Images\Ribbon\UI\Overlay\Overlay.js
In this file the jquery selector $( + "Message")  needs to be replaced by document.getElementById( + "Message") due to no jQuery being available.


var __cancelOverlay = false;
function overlay(id) { = id;
	this.overlay = document.getElementById(;
	this.hide = function () { = "none";
		__cancelOverlay = false;
	} = function () {
		if (!__cancelOverlay) { = "block";
		__cancelOverlay = false;
	this.message = function (newMessage) {
		document.getElementById( + "Message").innerHTML = newMessage;
	this.hideById = function (elementId) {
		__cancelOverlay = false;
		document.getElementById(elementId).style.display = "none";
function showOverlay(id) {
	var w = new overlay(id);;
function hideOverlay(id) {
	var w = new overlay(id); w.hide();


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Peter

The js error is fixed already and will be out with 9.8.1.

I have not seen the nuget error before. Do you have a bit of more information - is it in the nuget window you see it, or yellow screen of death?

We have had some anoying issues with RazorEngine that gives us problems with MSBuild 14 stuff when using Nuget (or machines that does not have MSBuild 14). We have fixed that by getting rid of that (indirect) dependency. I do not know if this one is related - but since it seems related to Roslyn, that would be my guess (and hope...). This will be out with 9.8.1 of Dynamicweb.Admin and then this should stop causing these problems...

BR Nicolai

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

Sorry for the late response.

I wasn't able to install using the Visual Studio package manager, due to constant reference conflicts.
Strangly enough I managed to install using the Package Manager Console.

Both using the same sources and Include Prerelease set to true.

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Peter

Ok, today 9.8.1 has been released with the change of the update of MSBuild/CodeDom references. Hope that package will work...


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