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Dynamicweb 8 compatibility mode active warning causes RSS feed to fail

Martin Møller Christensen


Is it possible to disable the Dynamicweb 8 compatibility comment?

After upgrading we have discovered that a RSS feed is not working anymore. We get this error:

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 1 at column 255: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

The comment is placed at the top of the Feed and therefore appears before the actual XML declaration.

It is not possible for us to just remove the Compatibility dll at this moment.


Any help is appreciated!


Nicolai Pedersen

The warning is there because you should not go live with this dll. It is meant to fix issues while migrating - not for live production...

You can fix it - you just do not want to... It usually takes less than an hour to fix all issues using the cheatsheet.

Now you can spend time here instead and write a simple notification subscriber that listens to onoutput and replaces that string with string.empty.

Happy coding!

Martin Møller Christensen


Glad to get this information now...

First of all the documentation doesn't mention that you should not go live with the compatibility pack. It only mentions that the pack can give a decrease in performance.

Secondly, it doesn't state that you get the compatibility pack automatically. It only mentions that you can download it if needed. I had no idea the compatibility pack was added automatically, and this is why we went into production with it.

Furthermore, I have been looking into fixing the rest of the DW8 calls, but I can't find any replacement for calls that use the old Base class. Ex. Base.ChkString.

In the feed I can't see that I use any old DW8 calls. But yet the comment appears in the top. I've tried removing all the code from the feed template, and the comment still appears.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Jannich Ariyanayagam
Jannich Ariyanayagam


just installed a 9.6.5 with Nuget and the compatibility pack comes with it. see attachment.

Would be nice if it was a option that you could download if needed when it's not for live production.

Best Regards Jannich

Martin Møller Christensen

Are there any news regarding my inquiry about the replacing the Base.Chkstring with a DW9 call, Nicholai?

Martin Møller Christensen


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

As a replacement for all the Dynamicweb.Base.Chk*(object value) stuff you can use Dynamicweb.Core.Converter.To*(object value).



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi all

@Martin - have a look at this one:

@Jannich - will have the release team look into that.

BR Nicolai


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