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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » Admin now can access templates etc.

Admin now can access templates etc.

Per Søgaard

In DW8 we as a partner could block admin and other users access to templates and developer etc. 

This is very important because we can only guarantee stability of the website if the customer does NOT have access to templates. (Learned this from very bad experiences where customers messed up templates all thoug denying it afterwards).

In DW9 this has changed.

We can block acces to non admin users - and this also affects the admin user (contrary to what the text says).

BUT the admin user can then change this so that admin and other editors have full access to templates.

This should be changed back to like it worked in DW8. Otherwise we cannot upgrade our customers.


PS: for all the same reasons this should also be possible for acces to Settings/items


Morten Buhl Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Buhl

Hi Per

Thanks for the bug report. Registered as 25868




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