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Synced Disounts not updating in the solution in DW 10.7.5
Hi. We're syncing discounts into the EcomDisounts table but they're not appering on the website or in the admin discounts overview under commerce until we restart the web service (they look normal in the database). Everything looks and functi ...
Jóhannes Þorkell Tómasson
04/10/2024 17:54:15
Last post: 07/10/2024 13:37:45
Implement custom admin view
Hi, I was looking at the DW10 and there's this section called "Creating custom screens" But it seems like it's only scratching the surface and it doesn't explain much. It ends up with the example HealthProviderCheckListScreen bu ...
Karol Barkowski
07/10/2024 10:33:09
Last post: 07/10/2024 12:01:15
Tips for working with large amounts of Facets
Hi, On a project I'm working on there will be a PIM structure with a large number of Attributes, which are all potentially a facet in the frontend. Around 20K attributes/facets are expected A lot of attrributes are already imported into DW PIM, a ...
Justin Sjouw
02/09/2024 16:21:09
Last post: 02/10/2024 14:42:52
Uploading files through CLI does not work
Hi DW It seems like we cannot upload files through CLI today. It worked las friday, but is not working now. We are using this command dw files -io "./Files/Integration/jobs/Import customers.xml" . --host {host} --apiKey {apiKey} And we get ...
Chris Søgaard
27/09/2024 12:36:50
Last post: 02/10/2024 11:39:50
Segment Search not returning correct Users
Hello everyone, In my DynamicWeb instance I've created over 10 German-based users and over 10 Swiss-based users. However, when I create segment searches with 'Country Equals Germany' I only get a few of my German-based users and when I go ...
Jens Balmert
26/09/2024 18:02:03
Last post: 02/10/2024 10:22:13
Enable assortments DW10
We have been having problems with assortments not working as expected (products displaying correctly then dissapearing after index rebuild or site restart), so we upgraded to the latest DW 10 (10.8) to see if it could help with our issues and now Ena ...
Bjørn Ingebrigtsen
01/10/2024 12:26:49
Last post: 02/10/2024 07:42:06
Language and other settings not appearing in DW10
Hello, I'm setting up a DW10 Swift site for a client on their production environment and I'm running into some funny business in the DW10 admin, for example: Creating a shop channel does not automatically create a EcomShopLanguageRelation, I ...
Arnór Halldórsson
24/09/2024 13:03:07
Last post: 30/09/2024 14:52:48
Facing an issue where the order state change emails are being received with empty content
Dear Sir, We are facing in our project with received empty content email. -Firstly, we set up with our custom order state template in Order Flow. -Change Order State of the order -When we received email, it is not rendering the content from email tem ...
Naw Mar Tha
24/09/2024 05:21:49
Last post: 30/09/2024 09:42:28
Cannot Create Swift Page In Navigation Folder
Hello, Curious issue on Dynamic Web 10.7.2 where we cant seem add a Swift Page with the default Swift Navigation Folder (Page ID 88) no matter what restrictions are put on Swift_Page (we have it currently all items can be children + parents) but it n ...
Joseph Vause
24/09/2024 12:29:51
Last post: 30/09/2024 09:14:40
DW 10.8 update broke index build
Hi. We updated to 10.8 from 10.7.* and couldn't build our repository indexes. The event viewer showed the following Error (for almost all products): 2024-09-26 12:37:16.6854: Error processing products. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundExcept ...
Jóhannes Þorkell Tómasson
26/09/2024 15:06:52
Last post: 27/09/2024 02:11:53
Visual Editor for Page Templates
Hello everyone, I used to be able to go to Swift Tools => Page Templates and open the different templates in the visual editor. However, now I always get 404 errors when switching from the list view to the visual editor. Please see this screenshot ...
Jens Balmert
26/09/2024 10:50:30
Last post: 26/09/2024 10:55:54
How to use group name urls in DW10
Hello. We are upgrading af customer from 9 to 10. On their old site we are using the e-commerce group URLs settings: With these settings we have but in dw 10 there are not settings for the group URLs? Is there ...
Kasper Legarth
29/08/2024 11:08:26
Last post: 25/09/2024 11:29:30
PayPal compatibility with DW10
Dear Forum, I would like to ask whether PayPal payment gateway is still compatible with DW10.6.9 version because when we try to test with test account and keep on getting below error System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'Dynamicweb.Eco ...
Yoon Peti Nwe
25/09/2024 05:49:32
Last post: 25/09/2024 10:43:22
Create smart search appearing issue after upgrading DW10 version
Dear Sir, When we upgrade dw version from 10.4.3 to 10.6.8, it reflect this error when we create smart search. seems something missing in database. if we put latest database, no issue. is that possible to upgrade this dw version without using new dat ...
Naw Mar Tha
24/09/2024 05:27:34
Last post: 25/09/2024 06:46:34
Missing Abandoned cart recipients provider and Schedule time zone not working in email marketing
Dear Sir, I tried to find the following two things on the marketing email in DW10, but didn't find. In DW9, the following cases are available When setting up the Abandoned Email Campaign folder, there is no option to select the "Abandoned re ...
Naw Mar Tha
20/09/2024 16:31:07
Last post: 24/09/2024 06:42:20
User Address: Description being saved in two columns in DB
Hi I noticed that when you save an address on a user using the admin interface - the value being entered in Desciption gets saved in both the AccessUserAddressCallName and AccessUserAddressName columns in the database (the same in DW9). Is it for leg ...
Peter Elmkvist Snabe
09/09/2024 14:15:25
Last post: 23/09/2024 09:39:34
Discounts in DW10
Why do we still have to find 'Discounts' under Commerce > Promotions? Shouldn't be placed under Products instead? In many usecases eg. when you want to product + prices + disounts in a feed, it's a bit wierd you have to go to the C ...
Michael Knudsen
22/09/2024 17:15:52
Last post: 23/09/2024 09:14:42
Aki Ruuskanen
19/09/2024 08:58:57
Last post: 21/09/2024 14:57:15
PIM - searching on multiple values in 'quick search' - DW10
HI, Does anyone know if you can use a seperator in the quick search in PIM to search for multiple values? As illustrated in the image below, I want to return 2 id's ...
Davy Capiau
18/09/2024 17:06:32
Last post: 20/09/2024 08:44:24
Editing Query Parameters
Hi guys, It is my first encounter with DW10 since the prerelease versions. I am trying to edit the Parameters of an Index Query. I am opening the "Manage" dialog. I can Add and remove parameters but I cannot save the Query. By default, the ...
Adrian Ursu
19/09/2024 14:57:00
Last post: 19/09/2024 20:16:40