Posted on 27/09/2024 09:15:20
Hi Mikkel,
Shadow edit is a feature in DynamicWeb 10 that allows you share edit sessions.
When you edit something in DW, the edit screen generates a shadow edit that tracks the changes made in that screen. The url to that screen refers to a shadow edit, meaning you can copy the url and send it to someone, and they would see the changes you've made without having to save first.
It has other uses under the hood, but the main one is shared edit session. Be aware that it's not quite the same as live simultaneous editing, like Google Docs for example, you only see changes from others when the screen is refreshed.
For local solutions, you can and should ignore these files. For shared solutions, it depends. You probably want to ignore them, but if you have active edits that you want to continue -- which is also an area we're exploring, being able to continue an existing edit later -- you may want to keep them. We haven't tied the bow on resuming editing, so for now it's save to ignore the shadow edit files.
I hope that helps to clear things up.
- Jeppe