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Trigger password token

Nuno Aguiar



I need to set a link for a user to land on the password reset page, avoiding the user to have to click "Reset password", fill in their email address, and receive an additional email with the final link for it.


How can I do that?


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

The are 2 ways

Simple way is to make a post to the page with a login form using these parameters: Forgotpassword=True& (this is a problem if you need to link from an email because you cannot post - so you would need a intermediate page where you post the information after the user clicked the link)

Second way is to add a recovery token and a time limit for the token on the user:

Dim time As DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24)
Dim token As String = Dynamicweb.SystemTools.GuidGenerator.GetGuid()
user.PasswordRecoveryToken = token
user.PasswordRecoveryTokenExpirationTime = time

Instead of using a GUID for the token, you could hash the user email address (you can do that automatically during import or something and set the expiration time to year 2100):

user.PasswordRecoveryToken = Dynamicweb.Base.MD5HashToString(user.Email)

Then on a page where you have added the extranet module, set it up for login and configure the module. Then call the page url and add &RecoveryToken={usertoken} that was created above.

Now the password recovery process will be executed as setup on the module.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


It works, thanks


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