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Forum » Development » Subscribe/unsubscribe


Steen Nørgaard Perdersen
Hi All,

I have a question relating to Newsletter V3 subscriptions.

I import and update user. I also like to add them as subscribers to certain newsletters, and that part is done.

Unsubscribing how ever removes the user from the maillist, and I need to know that so not to add them again in the next import.

Inactivating them in backend in module seems to do the trick, still on list, but not receiving. To the questions:
1. Will that inactivation cause problems with the users status elsewhere? User needs to log in and receive other mails, regardless
2. How do I set that inactivation? Can't find it in the api
3. How do I detect that inactivation? Subscription object does not tell me this..



Hi Steen!

I'm afraid inactivating will cause problems...
Inactive user can not log on, and will not receive the letter. To detect and manage activation you can use AccessUserActive property of Recipient object.
Try to uncheck the option "Add category to users that are already in the system" on import. It should solve your problem.

Kind regards,

Steen Nørgaard Perdersen

Thank for the reply. Looks I will need to implement an alternative way of achieving this..


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