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Subscribe to Extranet and/or Newsletter


Is it some how possible to subscribe a user to both extranet and newsletter, with one form and no custom module?

We've build a custom module based on "Notifications.ExtranetExtended.User.Created", that adds the user to a newsletter-category - if a specific input-field on the extranet-user are checked.

The problem is that a given user cannot signup to a newsletter while they are about to be created as a extranet-user (not confirmed) since there can only be one e-mail.

How is that done?

PS. We would like to get rid of this custom module while upgrading til DW7.



Hi Morten,

We also have some troubles with that. Did not develop a custom module, but have the extranet submition sent to newsletter registration as a 2nd step in the registration process.

I think the idea is very good to have as a feature request, similar to what happens in step2 of the cart. It's up to the Dw guys now :P



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