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Forum » Development » Shipping fee per product group?

Shipping fee per product group?


Is it possible to define specific shipping costs to a specific product group or groups?


Im thinking of the following scenario:


If you buy products from "GroupX"  shipping will be DKK 1000,-

If you buy products from "GroudY" Shipping will be DKK 70,-


If you buy porducts from both "GroupX" and "GroupY" shipping will be DKK 1070,-


If so, how do you set it up.






Hi Claus

We dont have any "default" way to do this, but you can extend the system by writing a "OrderLineExtender", "OrderExtender", "FeeProvider" or "SalesDiscountProvider"


In the new build released primo feb. 2008, we implementet a ShippingFeeProvider in BETA. We dont have any documentation for this but I will attach an exsample here :


using Dynamicweb

using Dynamicweb.eCommerce

using Dynamicweb.Extensibility

public class FeeProviderExt : Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Orders.FeeProvider



    public override PriceRaw FindFee(Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Orders.Order order)


        PriceRaw pr = null;

        return pr;




An alternative way to do this is to write a "SalesDiscountProvider" that handels your issue with specific shipping fees
using Dynamicweb;



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