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Set value in a orderlinefield in EcomCartLineAddedObserver

Mikkel Høst

Hi guys.

I have made some code in a observer (Dynamicweb.Extensibility.Subscribe(Dynamicweb.Notifications.eCommerce.Cart.Line.Added)

I have succefully added a product to the cart, but i need to set a tag / value so the frontend can render information about why we added this extra product to the cart. My idea was to use a custom OrderLineField and set the value here, but in this event i can see any orderline fields. I have created the field in the backend. 


Anyone know how i can do this?



Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Hi Mikkel,

Did you attach the OrderLineField to the given product group? If not, then you need to do that first.

On the "Edit group" page, click the down arrow on "Order line fields" in the Ribbon and select your field. You should now be able to manipulate the field from your subscriber.

- Jeppe

Mikkel Høst

Hi Jeppe.

You are right! This was the problem. Thank you so much. But with this info i have some suggestions and a question.

1. When i create a new orderline like this

var ol = added.Cart.CreateOrderLine(product);

The ol doesn't have the orderlinefield (the product added is from at group that has the orderlin) It would be nice if it had.

2. The orderlinefields inherit from their parent groups, but in my case all my groups are parent, so if i could set the orderlinefields on the shop, that would be "better".



Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
This post has been marked as an answer

You are correct. It's not set automatically -- I'll look into getting it into the API. In the meantime, you should be able to work around this issue by doing something like this:

var values = new OrderLineFieldValueCollection();
foreach (var f in product.OrderLineFields)
	if (f.SystemName == "MySystemName")
		values.Add(new OrderLineFieldValue(f.SystemName, "MyValue"));
		values.Add(new OrderLineFieldValue(f.SystemName, string.Empty));
ol.OrderLineFieldValues = values;

- Jeppe

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Mikkel Høst

Arrh okay, so i can just create it on the fly. Cool thanks. I enede up doing this

var newOl = added.Cart.CreateOrderLine(p);
newOl.OrderLineFieldValues.Add(new OrderLineFieldValue("MySystemName", "1"));


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