(xsl:if test="count(loop[@name='VariantCombinations']/item) > 0" )
(select id="variantBox")
(xsl:for-each select="loop[@name='VariantCombinations']/item")
(xsl:attribute name="onfocus")$('#prisBox').html('PRIS (xsl:value-of select="Ecom.VariantCombination.Product.Price.Price" /) DKK.')(/xsl:attribute)
(xsl:attribute name="value")(xsl:value-of select="Ecom.VariantCombination.VariantID" /)(/xsl:attribute)
(xsl:value-of select="Ecom.VariantCombination.VariantText" /)(/option)
Since this forum has no code escaping brackets has been replaced with ()
Can anyone explain this please?
Edit: Forget everything above. It appears a completely empty XSLT template still makes the server crash.
- Dynamicweb: Are you still 100% sure, this is a template problem?
Can anyone explain this please?
Edit: Forget everything above. It appears a completely empty XSLT template still makes the server crash.
- Dynamicweb: Are you still 100% sure, this is a template problem?